Once in a while, I write something non-academic.


Before I became a professor, I worked as a copywriter.

I wrote full-time for iFixit (the “Wikipedia of repair”) for a year and continued to do occasional contract work with them for several more. I helped launch the repair advocacy side of the site, iFixit.com/Right-to-Repair. I also worked with the CEO on editorials for Wired, The Atlantic, Motherboard, and Business Insider, among others. See, for example, “John Deere Just Swindled Farmers out of Their Right to Repair,” an article we wrote for Wired.

I’ve also done some freelance copywriting, on projects such as meat descriptions for a Tennessee cattle farmer.

I wrote this Pecha Kucha (slides & talk)

about visiting Otzi, the 5000-year-old mummy who was found buried in the Alps.


I also write poetry, sometimes. Even more occasionally, I get it published.